Remote Learning FAQs for Parents

  • What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?

    If you child is in good health but cannot attend school due to Covid-19, we expect them to continue with their learning from Day 1. Parents and children will receive guidance on the remote learning provision by the Academies and will be sent a timetable to support and structure their learning from home.

  • Following the first few days of immediate education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum remotely as they would if they were in school?

    Yes - in all cases pupils will continue to engage with the same curriculum as they would if they were in school. Lessons will be planned by subject specialists in line with our Schemes of Learning and Knowledge Organisers and, where possible, we will ensure that the work being set is from your child's subject teacher.

  • How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

    We expect your child to stick to a good routine and will therefore ensure parents and pupils are provided with comprehensive timetables to structure their day. Pupils will complete 4 x 60 minute lessons per day at Key Stage 3 with time also built into the day for physical education, reading, self-quizzing and breaks. Pupils will complete 5 x 60 minute lessons per day at Key Stage 4 with time also built into the day for physical education and breaks. Students will be provided with access to weekly assemblies and form group sessions which they are encouraged to engage with through Show My Homework. Homework will continue to be set primarily across the Core subjects and pupils are expected to engage with this also. Time has been structured into pupils' Learning From Home timetables to support the completion of homework.

  • Accessing remote education

  • How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

    For the most part our Learning from Home provision will be delivered via Microsoft TEAMS and Show My Homework. Pupils will access to 'LIVE' lessons via TEAMS whilst all other work will be set for pupils, by their subject teacher, via Show My Homework. Pupils should refer to the timetable they have been provided with to identify when their LIVE lessons are taking place each day. We encourage parents and pupils to read our 'Learning from Home - Guidance Booklet' for any support in relation to accessing Microsoft TEAMS, Show My Homework etc.

  • How will my child be taught remotely?

    For the most part our Learning from Home provision will be delivered via Microsoft TEAMS and Show My Homework. Pupils will access 'LIVE' lessons via TEAMS whilst all other work will be set for pupils, by their subject teacher, via Show My Homework. Pupils should refer to the timetable they have been provided with to identify when their LIVE lessons are taking place each day. Students are expected to log-in to Microsoft TEAMS for these lessons and complete all work in line with our 'Learning from Home Expectations' as outlined in our 'Learning from Home - Guidance Booklet.' We have endeavoured to deliver as many LIVE lessons as possible for pupils however there will be some instances in which students will be engaging with pre-recorded lessons via Show My Homework.

  • If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

    We have been working very closely with parents and pupils to ensure that all pupils have access to online 'Learning from Home'. If however you have concerns that your child does not have suitable access to a computer/WiFi at home please contact and we will do our best to support you.

  • Engagement and feedback

  • What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home

    We appreciate how challenging it can be to keep on top of your child’s remote education. We don’t expect you to act in the role of teacher – there is strong evidence that the most powerful thing a parent/ carer can do for their child is show an active interest in their schoolwork. We therefore ask you to:

    • Support your child in engaging with their daily timetable provided by the Academies
    • Ask your child to show you how they access online lessons
    • Look at the work your child has completed each day, including additional homework
    • Praise your child for continuing their education remotely
  • How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

    Whether pupils are studying at home or at school, our expectations for attendance and completion of work are the same. We will continue to follow our behaviour policy and all pupils will be epected to abide by our 'learning from Home Expectations' (as outlined in our Guidance Booklet). Should a member of teaching staff, tutor or Head of Year have concerns about your child then we will contact you. We will also seek opportunities to praise and reward your child via the Show My Homework platform.

  • How will you assess my child’s work and progress?

    Assessment and feedback play a key role in learning, and we’ve supported our teachers in providing effective feedback remotely. In most subjects, pupils will still do the quizzes, tests and assessments that they would take in school. We will continue to assess work and feed back to parents and pupils in line with our assessment policy.

  • Additional support for pupils with particular needs

  • How will you work with me to support my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

    We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with SEND, may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

    • Our teachers will make their online lessons as accessible as possible
    • Our SENCO and the SEND team will continue to adapt resources and provide personalised support so that pupils with SEND can access their learning
    • If pupils are unable to learn online because of special educational needs we will provide printed paper packs
    • If you would like to discuss this further please contact our SENCO,
  • Remote provision for self-isolating pupils

  • If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from the approaches described above?

    Where a small number of pupils are self-isolating, they will be sent a 'Learning From Home' letter as soon as we are made aware of this. This letter provides all guidance on how to engage with 'Learning From Home' during your child's period in self-isolation. Pupils will be provided with a timetable to help support and structure their day. Where possible there may be opportunities for pupils to join the lesson taking place in school via Microsoft TEAMS.

Thank you for your support at this challenging time. We are immensely proud of the response of our school community to these unique circumstances.

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